Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Burke Middle School

Today, we presented to the 6th Graders in Mrs. Rodriguez's class at Burke Middle School in Pico Rivera about the importance of recycling.
We told them all about the items that are able to be recycled, including plastics, aluminum, paper, and other objects such as cardboard boxes.  We informed the students about where their closest recycling centers would be, and how important it is to see which one pays the most so they can receive the most profit from their recycling endeavors. We also showed taught them the three R's. Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle, and how to perform these to save our planet for themselves, and their children some day. The students seemed to have a lot of fun and had many questions afterwards. :)

1 comment:

  1. Great pictures, and wonderful community service target group-- children are the future!
